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Want to Plant an OPC?

Find out what you need to plant an Orthodox Presbyterian Church in your area.

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We are dedicated to "Serving
the Servants of Christ." Click
the button below to read our
Office's full Mission Statement.
Romans Road
The Romans Road Award is a grant up to $3,500.00 from the CHEX Committee administered by the CHEX Office staff for any church in the presbytery. The goal of the award is to stimulate the extension of our presbytery churches through an active outreach ministry using both digital and traditional
means and media.

The OPC Presbytery of Michigan and Ontario hosted its first-ever "Readiness for Church Planting Seminar" April 4-8, 2022, in White Cloud, MI. This seminar provided seasoned and godly wisdom to pastors and their wives who were seeking to discern their gifts and calling related to church planting. Click below to view
the recap video!

Church Planters
Readiness Seminar

"And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you."

1 Thessalonians 3:12 ESV

© 2024 by CHEX Committee - OPC Presbytery of Michigan & Ontario. Created with

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