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Are you new to the Orthodox Presbyterian Church?
Are you a member interested in starting a church plant?
Are you a pastor looking to begin a mission work in your area?

The Church Extension (CHEX) Committee of the OPC Presbytery of Michigan & Ontario is dedicated to "serving the servants of Christ" and to promoting the success and outreach of mission works within our Presbytery.


Much of this begins with people like you who are interested in starting churches in your area. Here, you'll find out how to begin this process and specific ways that CHEX is able to assist and support you along the way. 


Our committee not only provides encouragement, guidance, and aid to the mission works and church planters within our Presbytery; our CHEX Office and Administrative Assistant can also work with you to supply any administrative needs you may have. This can be anything from invitation card design to marketing and outreach materials to event preparation and publicity to website design and creation.


By clicking the links to the form or manual below, you will be redirected to the Orthodox Presbyterian Church's Committee on Home Missions & Church Extension (CHMCE) website. CHMCE's website provides detailed information on the OPC's church planting process that applies to all mission works within the OPC, while our site specifically relates to church plants in Michigan & Ontario.


"'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'
How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed?
And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?
And how are they to hear without someone preaching?"
Romans 10:13-14 ESV

© 2024 by CHEX Committee - OPC Presbytery of Michigan & Ontario. Created with

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