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About the Program:


At the General Assembly in 2013, the advisory committee that met with CHMCE asked them to consider whether revitalization of struggling churches might fall under the umbrella of their labors. Since then, several other advisory committees and many presbyters have asked similar questions of CHMCE. They have now spent several years studying the issue and have adopted a proposal for revitalization that attempts to recognize the place of denominational committees as a supporting agency for local congregations and pastors.


Their proposal can be summarized in this way:


1. CHMCE will identify experienced pastors and elders who could serve as mentors for struggling congregations and their sessions and will also provide training in the mentoring process.


2. Establish a budget line item to provide financial support for mentoring relationships – relationships that would continue for 12-24 months with periodic (at most, quarterly) visits to the congregation.


3. Sessions interested in such a mentoring relationship will make a request to CHMCE through their presbytery home missions (CHEX) committee – following the same process by which presbyteries make requests for church plant support.


4. Support from CHMCE would be available for up to 50% of the cost for honorarium and expenses, at request of the presbytery and approval of CHMCE.


5. Requests from presbyteries would include two items: a completed stewardship plan (what we also require for new mission work requests); and a commitment of at least 50% of the financial support (from the congregation and/or presbytery).


6. The presbytery with the Committee would evaluate the readiness of the congregation to engage in a mentoring process – which requires commitment and work.


7. Should the request be approved, CHMCE staff (with the local session) would help to match congregations with a mentor from the list developed by the Committee.



How to Apply:


-   Download the program application (below) and fill out all information/answer all questions.

-   Save the application and send to the Committee via the following email address:

-   You should receive confirmation that the application has been received within 72 hours.

-   The Committee will review the application at their next meeting (may be up to six weeks after application is received), and will reach out after review.

© 2024 by CHEX Committee - OPC Presbytery of Michigan & Ontario. Created with

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