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The OPC Presbytery of Michigan and Ontario held its first-ever "Church Planters Readiness Seminar" April 5-8, 2022 at The Shack, a Lakeside Lodge in White Cloud, MI. The seminar was hosted by our Church Extension (CHEX) Committee and organized by a subcommittee of tenured OPC pastors and church planters, this seminar sought to provide seasoned and godly wisdom to pastors and their wives who are seeking to discern their gifts and calling related to church planting.

The seminar was purely advisory and pastoral, functioning under the authority of our presbytery. We pray that it has been of great value to pastors and their families in seeking discernment about a future in church planting.

The leaders of the seminar were two pastors from within our presbytery, Rev. Jeff De Boer (Redeemer OPC - Ada, MI) and Rev. Dale Van Dyke (Harvest OPC - Wyoming, MI), as well as Rev. Chris Hartshorn (the Regional Home Missionary from the Southern California Presbytery of the OPC) and Rev. Al Tricarico (Associate General Secretary, CHMCE).

Seminar LEADERS:


Rev. Dale Van Dyke

Rev. Dale Van Dyke is a graduate of Westminster Seminary California and the pastor of Harvest OPC in Wyoming, Michigan. He is a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church's Committee on Home Mission and Church Extension (CHMCE). Dale has witnessed and aided church planting firsthand, as Harvest has been a mother church for numerous church plants in Zeeland, Grand Rapids, and Dorr.


Rev. Jeff De Boer

Rev. Jeff De Boer serves as the pastor of Redeemer OPC in Ada, Michigan. Jeff is the Chairman of the Church Planter Readiness Seminar committee. Jeff received his M.Div from Mid America Reformed Seminary.


Rev. Chris Hartshorn

Rev. Chris Hartshorn is the Regional Home Missionary for the Southern California Presbytery of the OPC. Chris has many years of church planting experience. He received his M.Div from Westminster Seminary California.


Rev. Al Tricarico

Rev. Al Tricarico serves as the associate general secretary for the Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension (CHMCE).  Al graduated from Biblical Theological Seminary (Hatfield, PA) in 1983 and served two congregations before laboring in Uganda as a missionary evangelist from 2005 through 2015. He and his wife, Laurie, live near Philadelphia and have five children and five grandchildren.

Seminar SUPPORT Staff:


Rev. Steve Igo

Pastor Steve came to West Michigan in 2002 to serve as a church planter, and since has successfully planted Cedar OPC in Jenison, MI, where he serves as the pastor. He is a graduate of the Ohio State University and Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Steve is also the Chairman of the Church Extension (CHEX) Committee of the OPC Presbytery of Michigan & Ontario.


Rev. Doug Bylsma

Rev. Doug Bylsma is the pastor of Living Hope OPC in Beamsville, Ontario. Doug was involved in Living Hope from their early days and called as their pastor in 2011. He has a degree in theology from Haddington House, a Presbyterian Seminary in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. He helped to successfully plant the church in Beamsville, and Living Hope became a particularized congregation in 2018.


Rev. jonathan Loerop

Rev. Jonathan Loerop serves as the Associate Pastor of Redeemer OPC in Ada, Michigan. He received his M.Div from Knox Theological Seminary.


Liz Schumaker

Liz serves as the Administrative Assistant for our Presbytery's CHEX Committee. She is also the point person for any technical or scheduling details for our seminar. If you have any questions for Liz, please don't hesitate tor reach out by filling out our contact form.

2022 Photos

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